After a long hiatus, I have finally got around to building a proper website. For the past two years I have just been writing HTML by hand and pushing the files to S3 for the odd update, but I have always wanted to write a proper blog. Christopher Wellons at nullprogram has inspired me to finally get off my butt and figure out how to create a blog. Nullprogram has been a great resource to me in the past, so I hope I can help other people in a similar way – eventually.

When building the website I decided early on that I wanted the website to be static for a number of reasons: there is no reason to have interactive dialogs on my blog, static site hosting can be done in AWS without any need to maintain infrastructure, static site hosting is simple and will hopefully stay out of the way of my writing and content production, static site hosting is cheap (I pay about $0.50 per month), and finally static site hosting can easily be cached by cloudfront which means I don’t have to worry about scaling or performance issues.

Anyways, as my first piece of content have a picture of a cat sleeping in the sun.
